Today, many organizations are using competency models as a basis for their performance management systems. Competency models articulate the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics as critical work behaviours that are deemed to be most instrumental for achieving positive organizational outcomes.

An advantage of competency models is that they typically include the full array of factors associated with success—technical, leadership and interpersonal. Competency models are especially useful because they not only communicate what is important to an organization but also provide a common foundation for developing integrated human resource systems, such as staffing, training, promotion, succession planning and performance management.

Cengrow helps organizations identify key competencies and define associated critical behaviors that are linked to their strategic objectives and critical success factors of your organization.

Competency Model’s developed by us can be used in process of Selection, Placement, Redeployment, Performance Management and Evaluation, Planning Training & Development, Career Role Mapping, Succession Planning and Separation.