Organizational structures exist to enable the performance of work activities in line with the company’s strategy. Good organization design is finely tailored to deliver the company’s competitive strategy through enabling its work activities. The way a structure does this is by ensuring appropriate management oversight of the operation’s key capabilities and strategic initiatives.

Cengrow ensures that all organizational components ― people, process, technology, structure ―are aligned with the strategy and congruent with one another and there is optimal trade-offs between coordination and autonomy, control and commitment, flexibility and focus.

To make organizational structure more efficient we properly define everyone’s role within the organization. A clear definition of the responsibilities and standing of each person within the company creates an understanding of what is expected from each individual, and how individual performance can affect the efficiency of the entire organization.

We at Cengrow believe that organization design and structure should be considered as a subset of the broader field of organization effectiveness and organization development, both of which may entail more behaviorally focused solutions to effectiveness hence we strongly advocate an integrated approach to leadership behaviors, team effectiveness, effective talent management and the like.